What are the benefits of performing logical maintenance on your computer?
I will talk about the importance of performing a logical maintenance to your computer either by a or b reason that you haven't been able to check with a technician in your city here I will explain several advantages:
To free up memory and have it restored to its factory form the computer will be like new.
When formatting a computer will proceed to delete all system information, once removed all the files and reinstalling the OS (Operating System) programs necessary for proper operation of the same performance of your pc will improve exponentially.
Those are free and help freeing and optimizing the disk, but in certain cases even this does not improve performance.
In CodeMaster Studios we perform the logical maintenance to your computer for better performance in addition to making the settings to optimize your ram and make your computer fly.
Advice: It is recommended to make a copy of the data that you do not want that they disappear the most advisable thing is to copy them to an external hard disk and immediately to analyze it with our antivirus to detect some threat inside these files.